This is what we mean at Ysveld Fysio by

Moving better Together

Our promise

We employ all our knowledge and expertise, aiming at just one thing: to help you move more easily (again). And we do that with everything we’ve got: expertise, drive and care. We set goals with you, motivate you to attain them, and discuss your progress. Whenever possible, we set your bar (your goal) just a bit higher than you thought was possible.

And where necessary, we provide psychological support. Your personal treatment plan is a team plan: you yourself direct it and we steer the recovery or training process so that you can make quick progress. Collaboration is also the incentive behind our own team: we learn, stimulate and coach each other – in order to keep improving your ability to move.


Physical complaints can occur anywhere in the body and manifest themselves in different ways. We have classified the most common complaints roughly by body area, so you can see which areas we can help you with. Do you want to find out whether your complaint can also be treated? Call Ysveld Fysio at 024 – 348 0551.

Fysiotherapie Nijmegen | Samen beter bewegen | Ysveld Fysio Arthrosis
Etalagebenen | Fysio Ysveld Claudicatio intermittens
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Elleboogklachten | Fysio Ysveld Elbow
Knieklachten | Fysio Ysveld Knee
Multiple sclerose | Fysio Ysveld Multiple Sclerosis
Coaching/begeleiding | Fysio Ysveld Stroke

We’re going to help you!

Are you an active athlete with an injury, or do you want to train with a focus? Are you recovering from an illness or accident? Our therapists and training facilities are ready for you with specialised knowledge and full personal attention! Whether you’re coming to recover or to train, your goal is our goal. And we will do everything we can to achieve that together with you! Ysveld Fysio has various specialized treatments. Do you want to know more? Call Ysveld Fysio at 024-348 0551.

Coaching/begeleiding | Fysio Ysveld Coaching / Guidance
Bindweefselmassage | Fysio Ysveld Connective tissue massage
COPD | Fysio Ysveld COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: pulmonary reactivation
Dry needling
Oefentherapie | Fysio Ysveld Exercise therapy
Fall prevention
Geriatrische fysiotherapie | Fysio Ysveld Geriatric physiotherapy
Hoofd / nek klachten | Fysio Ysveld Manual therapy
Manuele therapie: Maitland | Fysio Ysveld Manual therapy Maitland
Rugklachten | Fysio Ysveld Manual therapy Van der Bijl
Medical tapen | Fysio Ysveld Medical taping
Hoofd / nek klachten | Fysio Ysveld Mobilization and manipulation
Mulligan method
Rehabilitation therapy
Sportfysiotherapie | Fysio Ysveld Sports physiotherapy
Krachttraining in de revalidatie | Ysveld Fysio Strength training in rehabilitation


ysveld Fysio Trainen

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